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- STEPBible Languages
- Help with Translating the STEPBible interface
- Sign up on, or log in to Crowdin.com
- Choose your Language
- Find Your Text
- Editing a text string in Crowdin.com
- Creating a text string in Crowdin.com
STEPBible Languages
While STEPBible hosts Bible versions in hundreds of languages, the program's menus and other supporting text were written in English, and so far translated into only a little more than fifty other languages.
You choose your Bible version (language) by choosing the Bible button in the Find bar.
You choose the language presented in the STEPBible interface (menus and other supporting text) by choosing the Language button located to the right of the Find bar and choosing your language from the dropdown list. Your language choice also determines the Bible versions STEPBible initially offers you when you want to select one.
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You can help with translating the STEPBible interface, or make corrections to errors you find.
If you don't find your language listed in the Language dropdown, and want to help bring your language into STEPBible,
or, if you find errors in your language in STEPBible's menus or other supporting text, and want to correct them; use STEPBible's presence on the translation website, Crowdin.com. Note: Crowdin.com requires users to sign up, and to log in, in order to do any work there. There is no cost. (See instructions below.) If you want to correct translation error(s) in the STEPBible interface, have available an exact copy of the text you want to correct to aid your search for that text in Crowdin.com. Click (tap) here to go to Crowdin.com |
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Sign up on, or log in to Crowdin.comClick (or tap) the appropriate button, and follow the simple prompts provided by Crowdin.com. |
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Choose your Language
After you have logged in, Crowdin.com displays, (by national flag icon) all the languages for which translations of STEPBible's interface text exist, or can be started.
Note: The percentages displayed below each language icon indicate the percentage of completed translation for that language, and, though the STEPBible translation process does not use it, the percentage approved for validity. STEPBible includes interface languages that are 50% or more complete. Choose the icon of the language for which you want to edit. |
Crowdin.com displays a page listing the categories of STEPBible interface text. |
In the left column Crowdin.com displays the list of the categories of STEPBible interface text:
- [Important] Page Messages
- [Moderate impact] Error messages
- [MOST IMPORTANT] Error and dropdown messages
- Messages used during installation - (Used once only upon installation of Desktop version)
In the right column, Crowdin.com displays the percentage of completion of each category.
If you can identify the category of the text you want to edit, choose it. Otherwise, choose Translate All above the right column (the percentage of completion column).
You, will be able to search, or scroll through the possibilities presented until you find your target.
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Find Your Text
After you choose a category, Crowdin.com displays a page showing all the text strings for the category you chose, or all of them if you chose Translate All, listed in the left column.
Type or paste your target text string in the field labeled Search in file at the top of the column of strings. or scroll through the list to find your target text string. If you do not find your text string in the chosen category, you can display a list of All the text strings in the STEPBilbe interface, and search or scroll through them to find your target, as described above.
Click/tap the name of the current text string category at the top of your display (in this illustration, [Important] Page Messages).
To find your target text string (as described above):Crowdin.com will display a dropdown window labeled Open File, and listing STEPBible's interface text string categories (file names). Above the list of text string categories appears ALL STRINGS. Choose ALL STRINGS to display a page listing all the text strings in the STEPBible interface. type or paste your target text string in the field labeled Search strings at the top of the column of strings. or scroll through the list to find your target text stringNote: If you want to return to the display of text strings by category from the ALL STRINGS display, click or tap [Your Language] > ALL STRINGS at the top of the page. As described above, Crowdin.com will display a dropdown window labeled Open File, and listing STEPBible's interface text string categories (file names) for you to choose from. You can also access STEPBible's interface text string categories (file names) from the Focus menu at the top left of the page, and choose Project > [your language] Translations. |
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Editing a text string in Crowdin.com
When you have found the string you want to edit, enter the text as you think it should be in the field provided, and click/tap SAVE.
The Crowdin.com system will alert STEPBible to the edit(s) you have performed and you will see your work in STEPBible after a number of changes have accumulated. |
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Creating a text string in Crowdin.com
When you have found the English language string you want to translate, enter the text as you think it should be in the field provided, and click/tap SAVE.
The Crowdin.com system will alert STEPBible to the addition(s) you have made and you will see your work in STEPBible after a number of changes have accumulated. |
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